To celebrate, we are making a boat ton of waffles. Two recipes, Chocolate Chip Waffles (my kids’ favorite - recipe to come in the following weeks) and Cornmeal Waffles with a spicey twist. Cornmeal Waffles are one of my favorites from way back. Taking a KitchenAid recipe from their Waffle Baker Use and Care guide as my base, I added/changed several ingredients to give it more of a Southwest vibe than it already had. With crispy edges from the cheese and a light texture, these are sure to be one of your favorites too.
1.5 Cups AP Flour
1/2 Cup Cornmeal
3/4 Cup Shredded Cheddar
3/4 Cup Shredded Pepper Jack Cheese
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon each, Cayenne Pepper, Chile Powder, and Cumin
1 2/3 Cup Milk
2 Eggs
2 Egg Whites
1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil
1/4 Cup Salsa Chunks - drain excess liquid
Whisk two eggs, milk, and salsa chunks until thoroughly combined.
In the original recipe, it called for two tablespoons of green chiles, but I used my favorite salsa chunks here - just drained off the excess liquid. Chipotles Chiles in Adobo Sauce would also be a good option for a little smokiness.
In a separate bowl, mix flour, cornmeal, spices, salt, and baking powder until combined.
Combine dry ingredients and wet ingredients and lightly mix. The mixture will be quite lumpy.
Add cheeses and oil to the mixture.
The original recipe called for all cheddar cheese, but I like pepper jack for the extra kick it gives. You can add any cheese you prefer, or no cheese at all.
Whisk two egg whites until stiff peaks form. Gently fold egg whites into the mixture until fully combined.
To bake, I set my waffle baker to 300°. Add one heaping 1/2 cup of the mix and bake each waffle for 3 minutes. All waffle bakers are different, so follow the instructions in your user guide.
Once baked, keep them warm in your oven (had my set at 170°) on a wire rack until you serve them.
I serve this with sour cream, salsa, and fresh cilantro. In the plated image, I mixed 1/2 Cup Sour cream with 1/4 Cup hot Salsa and 1 Tablespoon Cilantro to top these beauties!
This is another versatile recipe.
Make it your own!
#grayhairblogging #grayhaircooking
Nutritional Information*
Calories: 380 Fat: 31g Protein: 19g Fiber: 10g Carbohydrates: 31g
Servings: 6
Storage: Store in an airtight container for up to a week or freeze for up to 3 months.
*Nutritional Information is pulled from MyFitnessPal