A few years ago I wanted to get more leafy greens into my diet so I looked up some green smoothie recipes. Most of them involved spinach, fruit, and almond milk. It turns out they are stinkin’ delicious! Especially with pineapple and oranges…….so good! But that’s a recipe for a different day.
Now, because I’m getting older, I also want to add more calcium and protein to my diet, so I turned to Greek Yogurt, but I still want those leafy greens too because leafy greens (like spinach) can help to mitigate the symptoms of menopause - I read this on the internet, so I’m pretty sure its true*. So I came up with this recipe. It’s barely a recipe. It’s two (maybe three) ingredients. It’s super easy and you can make it in advance for a quick breakfast.
First, a little something about the yogurt I chose. I use Fage 2% Total Greek Yogurt. I was originally using a different brand, but when I ran it through the blender with the spinach, it came out runny. I like a thick yogurt and Fage 2% Total Greek Yogurt stands up to the blender and it tastes great.
1 Container (35.3 oz) Fage 2% Total Greek Yogurt
6 Cups Fresh Spinach
Honey to Taste (I skip this)
Put 6 Cups of Fresh Spinach in a blender jar and turn on low until the spinach is ground down. The only reason I do this first is to make room for adding the yogurt. 6 Cups of spinach takes up a lot of space.
Add the entire container of yogurt to the blender. Turn blender on to a medium speed and blend completely. This will take a minute because the yogurt is so thick.
Note: There is a piece of paper covering the yogurt in the container. It is hard to see. Your gonna wanna toss that before adding the yogurt to the blender. I figured it out after eating some of the paper. It wasn’t delicious.
To store your spinach yogurt, put it back into the yogurt container, and refrigerate for up to a week.
Add 3/4 Cup of your Spinach Yogurt in a bowl and top with your favorite fruit (this is Dole Tripple Berry Medly with a few fresh raspberries). You could also add granola for a little crunch (I will be posting a recipe for that soon).
This could not be easier. It is good and good for you.
#grayhairblogging #grayhaircooking
Nutritional Information**
3/4 Cup Spinach Yogurt (without Honey)
Calories: 109 Fat: 3g Protein: 15g Calcium: 15g Fiber: 1g
Servings: 6
Storage: Keep refrigerated for up to a week
*I am NOT a doctor and have NO training in this area. I learned everything I know from my doctor and the interwebs.
**Nutritional Information is pulled from MyFitnessPal