Blueberry Pancakes…………
& Hall & Oates
Do you have any weekly go-to meals? Meals that are easy to make and EVERYBODY loves?
Most days my husband and I are pleased if three out of four people at the kitchen table like whatever has been put down in front of them. I will say, both my husband and I are good cooks. My husband is great and grilling and smoking meats as well as just about anything else he tries. I’m good with the baking and have a few solid go-to appetizers, desserts, and entrees. But overall, mealtime with the family goes something like this:
Kid, “What’s for dinner?”
Me: “Meatloaf.”
Kid: “Really?”
Me: “What’s the problem?”
Kid: “I don’t like meatloaf.”
Me: “What do you want for dinner?”
Kid: “Dairy Queen.”
Me: “We’re having meatloaf.”
Kid turns on heals and storms off.
End. Scene.
If I had the time (and who does) to make a meal for each person at the table that they would love, well, I still wouldn’t do it. I offer up leftovers (which they can heat them up themselves) if they don’t like what’s on the table, but other than that, you get whatcha get.
But Sunday morning. Sunday morning is blueberry pancake day - the day we make a meal that EVERYBODY loves. They are excited about getting blueberry pancakes, they eat a lot of them, and on the rare occasion that we don’t make them, they are disappointed. That’s how this weekly tradition started. A meal that EVERYBODY is happy to eat. SUCCESS!
We sometimes serve blueberry pancakes with bacon. Sometimes with sausage. Sometimes we just make plain pancakes if we are out of blueberries. Still a hit, but just not quite as good.
Occasionally we switch it up and make breakfast burritos (usually on my birthday and Mother’s day, because I love me a breakfast burrito! Add some chips and salsa and a Diet Coke with lime - best breakfast EVER!), cinnamon rolls, or breakfast sandwiches.
But 9 Sundays out of 10……….. blueberry pancakes!
I’m usually the first one up on Sundays. I’ll sit and write or work for an hour or so with a big cup of coffee. This time of year, it is still dark and I turn the fireplace is on. Our dog, Gus, is asleep on his dog bed in front of the fireplace. It is quiet and peaceful. I really do enjoy this time of the day.
After an hour or two, I pull myself up and get started.
As I mentioned earlier, my husband (who also has gray hair - but mostly in his beard) is a good cook. Over the last couple of years, he has joined this process, and, much to my frustration, his pancakes are fluffier than mine (RECIPE HERE). But we have been tag-teaming this Sunday morning tradition for several years now and I love it!
The addition of my husband to our weekly ritual also brought the addition of Hall & Oates. Now, I’m not entirely sure why, but every Sunday morning that my husband makes breakfast, Hall & Oates radio would be playing in the background, which is an awesome addition to our tradition. Who doesn’t love Hall & Oates?!
With Hall & Oates radio playing in the background, we make blueberry pancakes while singing along to some of our favorite music. Daryl Hall and John Oates, The Doobie Brothers, Stevie Nicks, Rick Springfield, Heart, Billy Joel, Boston, and John Mellencamp. My husband’s Michael McDonald impression is pretty spot on.
The coolest part about this is that our kids have started to sing along to the songs as well. We love music at our house - all kinds of music - but to have our kids sing “Maneater” while filling up their plates? Makes my heart genuinely happy.
As I’m writing this, it seems like such a small thing, but this weekly tradition has become one of my favorite parts of the week that I sincerely look forward to and enjoy. Quite plainly, making my family happy makes me happy.
So what is your family’s tradition? Is it so simple that you may not even call it a tradition?
Comment below.
Until next time.